Captain John Saris’s tour of Japan, 1613–

Title Category Address Description
24 21st September: Leave Edo 112–0001
23 14th September 1613: Arrive Edo [modern day TOKYO] 112–0001 "Wee arrived at Edoo, a cittie much greater than Surunga, farr fairer buildinge, and made a verie glorious appearance vnto us."
22 12/13th September 1613: KAMAKURA 248-8686 "one Image of especiall note, called Dabis [Daibutsu], made of Coppper, being hollowe within, but of a verie substanciall thickness... some of our people went into the bodie of it, and hooped and hallowed, which made an exceedinge greate noise. We founde many Characters made vppon it by passengers, whome some of my followers imitated, and made theires in like manner."
21 11th September: Leave Suruga 420-8602
20 8th September 1613: Meeting with TOKUGAWA IEYASU 420-8602 "I was carried in my Pallankin to the Castell of Surungo (where the Emperour keepth his Court) and … ledd mee into a faier roome, matted, where we sate downe crosse legged vpon the Matts. ….…Having staied about one quarter of an hower, worde was brought that the Emperour was come forth. Then they rose vpp, and ledd me betwixt then vnto the dore of the room where the Emperour was, makinge signed to me that I should enter in there, but durst not look in them selues. The Present sent from our king to the Emperour, as also thouse (which according to the custome of the countrie) I gave unto the Emperour as from my self, were placed in the saide room vppon Matts verie orderlie before the Emperour came into it. Cominge to the Emperour, accordinge to our English complements, I delivered our kinges letter vnto his Maiestie, whoe tooke it in his hand and putt in vpp towardes his forehead, and commanded his Interpertour whoe state a good distance from him behind, to will Mr Adams to tell me that I was welcome from a wearisome Iourney, that I should take my rest for a daie of two, and then his aunswer should be readie for our kinge."
1613年9月8日 「予は駕籠に乗りて、(皇帝が宮廷を構ふる)駿河の城へ運ばれた。予の商人其の他の者は、予の前に賜物を有つて伴をした。城に入つて予は三つの跳橋を過ぎた。其の各に一隊の番兵が居る。甚だ立派な大石段の一對を登つたところで、予は二人の厳格で風采よき人に迎へられた。其の一人は皇帝の秘書官上野殿(本田上野介正純)で、他の一人は水師提督兵庫殿(向井兵庫頭政綱)で、両人は予を畳敷の立派な室へ案内した。予は畳の上に胡坐で座した。間もなく両人は予を間に挟んで謁見の間へ案内した。そこには皇帝の玉座があつて、彼等はそれに對し予に敬禮するやうにと頼んだ。玉座は金色の布で張られ、高さ五尺ばかり、背の方と両側は、大層華麗に装飾してあるが、頭上に天蓋はない。次に両人は以前彼らが座して居た場処へ帰つたが、そこに十五分位待つた処で、皇帝出御という聲が聞えた。次に彼等は立ち上り、予を間に挟んで、皇帝の居る室の戸の処に予を案内し、予に其の内へ入るやうに身振りをした。しかし彼等自身は其の中を覗くことはできなかった。予等の(イングランド)國王からの賜物と、(此の國の習慣に従って)予が自身からして皇帝に差探る賜物とが、皇帝が入り来る前に、前記の室内に、畳の上に整然と置かれてあつた。予は英國風の禮式に従つて、皇帝に進みより、予等の王の書翰を陛下に渡した。陛下はそれを手に 取つて、其の額の方へ頂き彼の背後に可なり隔たつて座つて居た通辯に命じて、船長アダムスをして予に對して、遠路ご苦労、よくこそ来られたどうぞ一両日休憩せられよ。其の間にイングランド國王への返翰ができるであらうと言はせられた。(p167,168)」
19 6th September 1613: Arrive Suruga/Surunga [modern Shuzuoka City] 420-8602 "This Cittie of Surunga is full bigge as London with all the Subvrbes... Assoone as wee setled in our lodginge in Surunga, I sent Mr Adams to the courte to left the Secretarie vunderstand of my coming, and desire of as speedy dispatch as might be"
18 30th August 1613: Leave KYOTO 35.011721,135.768156 "Wee weare furnished with 19 horse at the Emperour's [Ieyasu's] charge, to carrie vpp our kings presents...I had a Pallankin appointed for me, and a spare horse ledd by, to ride when I pleased, verie well sett out."
17 29th August 2013: Arrive KYOTO 35.011721,135.768156 "wee founde heere a garrison of 3000 souldiers, maynteyned by the Emperour [Ieyasu] to keep Miaco [Kyoto] and Osaca in sunieccion"
16 27th August 2013: Arrive OSAKA 540-0002 "Our Gallie could not come neare the towne by 6 miles, where another smalle vessell mett vs, wherein came the Good man or Oste [host] of the house where wee laye in Osaca… The boat, having a faste made to the Mast head was drawn by men, as our Barges are from London westward. We found Osaca to be a verie greate towne as greate as London within the walles, with many faier Bridges of greate height… It is one of the cheefe seaports of Iapan, having a Castell in it marvellous large and stronge... At this Castell did dwell, at our beeinge there, the sonne of Tiqua-samma [Hideyori, the son of Taikô-sama, or Hideyoshi]."
15 9th August 2013: Arrive FUKUOKA [Hakata] 810-0042 "a greate towne, where there laie in a dock a Iunck of 800 or 1000 tunnes burden, sheathed all with Iron, with a guarde appointed to keep her from firing and treacherie"
14 7th August 2013: Leave HIRADO (by galley ship to Fukuoka) 859-5384 "King Foyne [Matsura Hôin, the daimyo] furnished mee with a proper Gally of his owns, rowed with 25 oars on a side, and 60 men, which I did fitt vpp in a verie comelei manner, with waste clothes, Engigne, and all other necessaries… taking with me 10 English and 9 others besides the former 60, which were only to attend the Gallie"
12 21st September: Leave Edo 112–0001
11 14th September 1613: Arrive Edo [modern day TOKYO] 112–0001 "Wee arrived at Edoo, a cittie much greater than Surunga, farr fairer buildinge, and made a verie glorious appearance vnto us."
10 12/13th September 1613: KAMAKURA 248-8686 "one Image of especiall note, called Dabis [Daibutsu], made of Coppper, being hollowe within, but of a verie substanciall thickness... some of our people went into the bodie of it, and hooped and hallowed, which made an exceedinge greate noise. We founde many Characters made vppon it by passengers, whome some of my followers imitated, and made theires in like manner."
09 11th September: Leave Suruga 420-8602
08 8th September 1613: Meeting with TOKUGAWA IEYASU 420-8602 "I was carried in my Pallankin to the Castell of Surungo (where the Emperour keepth his Court) and … ledd mee into a faier roome, matted, where we sate downe crosse legged vpon the Matts. ….…Having staied about one quarter of an hower, worde was brought that the Emperour was come forth. Then they rose vpp, and ledd me betwixt then vnto the dore of the room where the Emperour was, makinge signed to me that I should enter in there, but durst not look in them selues. The Present sent from our king to the Emperour, as also thouse (which according to the custome of the countrie) I gave unto the Emperour as from my self, were placed in the saide room vppon Matts verie orderlie before the Emperour came into it. Cominge to the Emperour, accordinge to our English complements, I delivered our kinges letter vnto his Maiestie, whoe tooke it in his hand and putt in vpp towardes his forehead, and commanded his Interpertour whoe state a good distance from him behind, to will Mr Adams to tell me that I was welcome from a wearisome Iourney, that I should take my rest for a daie of two, and then his aunswer should be readie for our kinge."
1613年9月8日 「予は駕籠に乗りて、(皇帝が宮廷を構ふる)駿河の城へ運ばれた。予の商人其の他の者は、予の前に賜物を有つて伴をした。城に入つて予は三つの跳橋を過ぎた。其の各に一隊の番兵が居る。甚だ立派な大石段の一對を登つたところで、予は二人の厳格で風采よき人に迎へられた。其の一人は皇帝の秘書官上野殿(本田上野介正純)で、他の一人は水師提督兵庫殿(向井兵庫頭政綱)で、両人は予を畳敷の立派な室へ案内した。予は畳の上に胡坐で座した。間もなく両人は予を間に挟んで謁見の間へ案内した。そこには皇帝の玉座があつて、彼等はそれに對し予に敬禮するやうにと頼んだ。玉座は金色の布で張られ、高さ五尺ばかり、背の方と両側は、大層華麗に装飾してあるが、頭上に天蓋はない。次に両人は以前彼らが座して居た場処へ帰つたが、そこに十五分位待つた処で、皇帝出御という聲が聞えた。次に彼等は立ち上り、予を間に挟んで、皇帝の居る室の戸の処に予を案内し、予に其の内へ入るやうに身振りをした。しかし彼等自身は其の中を覗くことはできなかった。予等の(イングランド)國王からの賜物と、(此の國の習慣に従って)予が自身からして皇帝に差探る賜物とが、皇帝が入り来る前に、前記の室内に、畳の上に整然と置かれてあつた。予は英國風の禮式に従つて、皇帝に進みより、予等の王の書翰を陛下に渡した。陛下はそれを手に 取つて、其の額の方へ頂き彼の背後に可なり隔たつて座つて居た通辯に命じて、船長アダムスをして予に對して、遠路ご苦労、よくこそ来られたどうぞ一両日休憩せられよ。其の間にイングランド國王への返翰ができるであらうと言はせられた。(p167,168)」
07 6th September 1613: Arrive Suruga/Surunga [modern Shuzuoka City] 420-8602 "This Cittie of Surunga is full bigge as London with all the Subvrbes... Assoone as wee setled in our lodginge in Surunga, I sent Mr Adams to the courte to left the Secretarie vunderstand of my coming, and desire of as speedy dispatch as might be"
06 30th August 1613: Leave KYOTO 35.011721,135.768156 "Wee weare furnished with 19 horse at the Emperour's [Ieyasu's] charge, to carrie vpp our kings presents...I had a Pallankin appointed for me, and a spare horse ledd by, to ride when I pleased, verie well sett out."
05 29th August 2013: Arrive KYOTO 35.011721,135.768156 "wee founde heere a garrison of 3000 souldiers, maynteyned by the Emperour [Ieyasu] to keep Miaco [Kyoto] and Osaca in sunieccion"
04 27th August 2013: Arrive OSAKA 540-0002 "Our Gallie could not come neare the towne by 6 miles, where another smalle vessell mett vs, wherein came the Good man or Oste [host] of the house where wee laye in Osaca… The boat, having a faste made to the Mast head was drawn by men, as our Barges are from London westward. We found Osaca to be a verie greate towne as greate as London within the walles, with many faier Bridges of greate height… It is one of the cheefe seaports of Iapan, having a Castell in it marvellous large and stronge... At this Castell did dwell, at our beeinge there, the sonne of Tiqua-samma [Hideyori, the son of Taikô-sama, or Hideyoshi]."
03 9th August 2013: Arrive FUKUOKA [Hakata] 810-0042 "a greate towne, where there laie in a dock a Iunck of 800 or 1000 tunnes burden, sheathed all with Iron, with a guarde appointed to keep her from firing and treacherie"
02 7th August 2013: Leave HIRADO (by galley ship to Fukuoka) 859-5384 "King Foyne [Matsura Hôin, the daimyo] furnished mee with a proper Gally of his owns, rowed with 25 oars on a side, and 60 men, which I did fitt vpp in a verie comelei manner, with waste clothes, Engigne, and all other necessaries… taking with me 10 English and 9 others besides the former 60, which were only to attend the Gallie"

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