The Japan Foundation, in collaboration with the Royal Mint Museum, is delighted to present this special public seminar exploring the history of exchange between Japan and the UK in the area of mint. Yoshiake Shinhara, President of the Japan Mint, will look at the UK’s contribution to the establishment of the Japan Mint and the close ties that developed between Japan and the UK in the area of mint in the late 19th century. Shinhara will be joined by Graham Dyer OBE FSA from the Royal Mint Museum who will provide a British perspective on these ties, and Dr Helen Wang (Curator of East Asian Coins, British Museum) who will delve into the British Museum’s vast collection to introduce some of the coins that were in circulation in Japan and the UK around the time of the Japan Mint’s inception in 1871.
There is a long history of exchange between Japan and the UK in the area of mint but the importance of this is perhaps not widely known. This seminar aims to explore these historical ties focusing in particular on the exchange that took place when the Japan Mint was founded in 1871. Japan developed its mint by combining traditional Japanese techniques with knowledge acquired through exchange of technology and human resources with the UK. Upon its establishment, the Japan Mint purchased machinery from the Hong Kong Mint and hired a series of British experts including Thomas Kinder and William Gowland to oversee its operations. In addition, four of the famous Chōshū Five, who studied at University College London, would at various times become Head of the Japan Mint during its early years. This exchange with the UK played a central role in the initial development of Japan’s mint and, in a broader sense, it helped facilitate the modernisation of Japan.
This event is free but prior booking is essential. To reserve a place, please contact with your name and contact details and see Japan Foundation’s website for more information.
This seminar is in collaboration with the Royal Mint Museum and Supported by the Japan Mint
This Event is also available in Japanese.