Inzpir8tion (8 Hands On 2 Pianos):- The AJSW Society’s own group originating from the AJSW 15th Anniversary concert at St George’s, Bristol November 10th 2011 and now its London debut. Four Japanese pianists explore the repertoire of primarily 8 hands arrangements on two Fazioli Concert Grand Pianos for an AJSW spectacular.
Also originating at the ’15th Anniversary’ concert St George’s, Japanese musicians with musicians from Taiwan, South Korea, the Phillipines and England integrated into the AJSW classical music programme. A unique London debut for both groups.
Tickets, are priced at £10, £15, £20
For more information: St. James, Piccadilly tel (020) 7381 0441 sjp.concerts@virgin.net
For more information on the Anglo-Japanese Society of Wessex, please see the website www.AJSW.org.uk