A one-day symposium on Thursday 28th November in Bath to celebrate 400 years of Japan-British relations
Speakers will Include:
Seiji Shinaki (Kyushu University)
Kazuo Sakurai (Kitakyushu University)
Yuji Kubo (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
John Fossey (University of Birmingham)
Steven Bull (University of Bath)
Thorri Gunnlaugsson (Trinity College Dublin)
Yun-Bao Jiang (Xiamen University)
Tony James (University of Bath)
Toby Jenkins (University of Bath)
One of the most important aspects of our Japan-UK collaboration is dissemination of the benefits of bilateral cooperation between the UK and Japan, encouraging others to also embark on such productive, insightful and rewarding collaborations. Often from the outside an international collaboration can seem a difficult road to travel so the Chemonostics : Chemical receptors in the development of simple diagnostic devices symposia and networking event will publicise the importance and achievements possible when the collaborative route is taken.
booking details: http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/1325370/chemonostics
More details here: http://j400.wordpress.com/